iData release notes
Version 2.0.5
Updated: 24/03/2023
Version - 2.0.5
- ❇️ New
- Implemented OAuth login for Salesforce Data Sources (ref 4983)
- Implement OEM salesforce database driver (ref 4885)
- Added a user interface guide (ref 4850)
- 552 Added open source licences to the Help page (ref 4856)
- #405 Allow rows to be tagged with categories (ref 4669)
- #385 Added Import and Export feature for Projects (ref 4487)
- #537 Added view only mode to the Edit Data Entity screen for users without permissions (ref 4826)
- Added maintenance mode for orderly updates (ref 4533)
- Added SoapClient to allow for iData scripts to interact with SOAP API's (ref 4705)
- Added Host.XmlToJson and Host.JsonToXml that allow converstion between Json and XML (ref 4707)
- #491 Added Host.GetMachineID() to get machine ID in scripts (ref 4714)
- 🔀 Changed
- 577 Update iData Reference Manual regarding TagAsEmail().WithSimpleValidation() (ref 4894)
- A valid server certificate is now required for MSSql data sources. To proceed without a valid certificate, the “Trust Server Certificate” flag under a selected data source can be enabled. (ref 4933)
- #585 Importing projects will now redirect users to update datasources. Stages are prevented from running until all datasources are valid. (ref 4928)
- Reduced the load time of Data Entities when creating a stage (ref 4844)
- Refactored username lookups for datatables (ref 4867)
- #420 The transform script output now has specific error text for attempting to use OnNthRow while no unique keys are set (ref 4865)
- #549 Data sources are now individually licensed. An updated license file will be required. (ref 4857)
- #417 Updated deprecated RndPatterns method in default transform script (ref 4864)
- Updated SalesForce documentation in the iData Reference Manual (ref 4843)
- #534,#536 Users with user management permission allowed to enable 2FA (ref 4810)
- Clicking "Close" after ingesting a table now takes the user directly to entity creation, letting them create an entity from the ingested table (ref 4735)
- ☑️ Fixed
- 640 Fixed an error that occured when submitting an invalid server name (ref 5113)
- 642 The new Stage screen no longer throws an error when a licence is missing (ref 5105)
- #634 Fixed issue with parameter box on the schedules page not loading correctly (ref 5097)
- 586 Fixed authorisation error on Job Queue page (ref 5095)
- #539 Fixed issue with schedules page showing schedules from other projects (ref 5083)
- Fixed an issue that caused Excel files to become currupt in iData 2.0 (ref 4666)
- 619 Added bool to default MSSqlWhitelist (ref 5060)
- #602 Added reminder to update connection string (step 5) in error message (step 6). (ref Story 5008)
- #608 Solved null reference exception when creating Data Gen stage with a Salesforce entity (ref 5044)
- #594 Fixed error when clicking on an "In Progress" report (ref 4960)
- #606 Fixed running data generation on salesforce (ref 5016)
- #576 Fixed iData reference manual typo in TagAsDomain (ref 4895)
- #575 Updated iData reference manual "Manually tagging" reference (ref 4896)
- #587 Fixed issue running stages after migration (ref 4937)
- #565 Fixed issue where the edit entity page was returning a 400 error (ref 4903)
- 566 Resolved the "Method GetScriptArguments threw ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'g')" error message (ref 4902)
- Stages of imported projects can now be executed (ref 4913)
- #556 Fixed long banner text causes layout issues (ref 4870)
- #249 Files uploaded to lookup folder are automatically made accessible from scripts (ref 4854)
- #415 Implemented RndGuid() when primary key type is uniqueidentifier for default transform scripts (ref 4863)
- #546,#547,#558 Fixed issues in creating non-word stage name (ref 4829)
- Data Entity dependencies are now automatically created to prevent errors from missing references (ref 4845)
- #547 Fixed an issue where stage names with spaces would not generate scripts (ref 4855)
- #503 iData now handles controlled shutdowns gracefully (ref 4755)
- #279 Fixed issue where the newly created project is not selected by default (ref 4798)
- #559 Ensure all database migration steps are recorded to avoid database upgrade warning message (ref 4879)
- #531 Fixed issue with log download API pointing to the wrong location (ref 4808)
- #533 Fixed to display role names for users with the Delete Role permission only (ref 4809)
- #543 Fixed restore user confirm message (ref 4828)
- #535 Updated roles, permissions, and project permissions to prevent users from getting more access by creating another account (ref 4811)
- #545 Fixed an issue with Profile Results that prevented List View from displaying when View All Tables was selected in the filter (ref 4819)
- #357 User account search now returning results (ref 4432)
- #485 Source Entities no longer fail to load when editing mappings for Single Mapping stages (ref 4698)
- #512 Fixed file locks when writing to file in scripts (ref 4779)
- #518 Add permission checking in File browser (ref 4792)
- #538 Fixed view only permission closing script editor issue (ref 4813)
- #495 Re-visited users being logged out when marked as inactive (ref 3999)
- Similar records no longer skips a row after matching a group (ref 4458)
- #484 Users are now forced to select a column in Similar Records stage (ref 4697)
- #492 Apply consistent row ordering in reports (ref 4737)
- #493 TagAsCompanyEmail tag added to differentiate between different types of emails. Appropriate email now generated according to selected email tag (ref 4739)
- #495 Fixed issue where inactive users were being sent to the email confirmation screen when they attempt to log in (ref 4743)
- #523 Allow admin role users delete other users project (ref 4794)
- #526 Datatables in modals no longer have the same fixed height as datatables on the page (ref 4804)
- #530 Fixed typo on 2FA setting page (ref 4807)
Version - 2.0.4
- ❇️ New
- Added a page before ingesting a CSV file into a database that describes what the action will do
- Added a "Create Folder" button on CSV Datasource creation modal. This allows new folders to be used as bases for Datasources
- Added a "New Folder" button for Files
- Added a "Browse and Upload Files" option for CSV Datasources
- Added option to ingest CSV file into a database via the action menu
- Files and folders can now be downloaded via the actions menu
- Added ability to categories records and view them in the report
- 🔀 Changed
- Removed SetColumnToChar due to SQL incompatibility and JSON object issues
- #442 update EULA in installer
- Removed legacy Host.NewDbCompare
- Depreciated SearchGroups for SearchGroup while an issue with multiple runs is resolved
- #487 Default data generation scripts for number columns will now generate data relevant to that field type instead of just integers
- Moved the "Upload Folder" button for CSV Datasources to the top of the modal
- The folder rename dialog in Files no longer requires you to manually remove the backslash and is now titled "Renamed Folder"
- Changed how client secrets are stored, this may require creating a new client secret for the worker via the Administration -> Settings -> Worker Settings menu
- #479 iData virtual file system storage and performance improvements
- Csv datasource re-enabled
- ☑️ Fixed
- #490 Fixed issue involving characters in file paths
- #469 Fixed issue where execution time was not taking UTC into account
- #454 Fixed issue where data type mappings are not applied correctly when comparing a CSV to a table
- ETL tooltips now show the names of each row state
- Fixed issue with updating progress bars that caused exceptions in the log and the progress bar to not show in the UI
- Fixed issue where DBMigrator was not accepting some characters as symbols
- #463 Fixed ussue on Schedule page where parameters with checkboxes where not working correctly
- #450 Fixed grammar in the limited results text for the report details page
- #480 The new CSV Datasource dialog now fits the screen
- #464 Permission are now all visible without scrolling
- #382 Fixed similar records skipping rows when two groups are close together
- #497 Fixed the select data source screen not showing data sources
- #506 Fixed edit CSV Datasource no responses issue
- #514 Fixed issue where Host.ExitCode was being ignored. Negative values will now cause the script to fail
- #527 Fixed new CSV Datasource page upload folder button disappear issue
- #529 Fixed stage page and others pages that were not displaying results because the user who created the item had been deleted
Version - 2.0.3
- 🔀 Changed
- Disabled csv datasource until #479 resolved
Version - 2.0.2
- ❇️ New
- On application launch systeminfo.txt is written to ProgramData\IntelligentDeliverySolutions\iData
- 🔀 Changed
- iDataConsole now uses the same encryption as iDataSaaS
- #438 Updated 2FA warning message on users page to be more readable
- #446 Auto focus username field on login screen
- ☑️ Fixed
- No longer shows UpdateProgress exception in script logs when a job ends prematurely
- Fixed tooltips on long report values that overflow in Similar Records
- A CSV with a duplicate header no longer causes an unhandled exception
- #384 Fixed issue where users without CreateProject permission didn't have breadcrumbs
- #423 Fixed issue where script path would hide script editor controls
- #444 Fixed issue with incorrect filters showing on the report page
- #453 Cancelling a job no longer throws a stack trace to the console output
- #462 Fixed Typo on Log Settings Screen
- #468 Fixed CSV Download issue
- #470 Fixed issue allow editing entities with same name on different datasource
- #471 Fixed where cancelling a stage generates an error and fails to stop the stage from running
Version - 2.0.1
- ❇️ New
- Web user interface
- Integrated editor
- Datasource and Data entity management through the User interface
- Manage and update stages through the user interface (Replacing wizards)
- Schedule execution
- Interactive reports and drilldown
- Projects to organize work and users
- Run multiple jobs in parallel
- Auto logout user when the user is deleted or has permission change
- 🔀 Changed
- Removed support for legacy configuration files
- Removed support for legacy wizards. Host.HeadlessWizard, Host.NewWizard, Host.MessageBoxYesNo, Host.MessageBoxWarning have been removed
- Host.Exec is deprecated, use javascripts import/export statements. Find out more here:
- EnableNewColumns() on text writers has been replaced with PreventNewColumns()
- Removed support for RemoveDuplicates transform
- Updated the UI so only one column can be selected for grouping on SimilarRecords
- ☑️ Fixed
- #261 & #231 Fixed sorting by name on project and stage screens
- #260 Changes to stages through the UI overwrite manual changes to scripts
- #254 Unhandled data types now fails gracefully, however further change will be made in #259
- #249 Manually adding a lookup file updates lookups.js to support code completion in the editor
- #248 Renaming a lookup file removes contents
- #246 Users with execute rights don't have to be in the admin group
- #245 Incorrect version number returned from command line
- #244 RndIntBetween added for generating inclusive numbers, help for RndIntRange updated to state it generates numbers excluding the end value
- #243 Set generate 0 or 1 values for bit fields
- #242 ConvertToText now takes requested region and culture into account when formatting dates
- #239 Column names with apostrophe's are now handled correctly
- #237 #228 #227 #226 #220 Cosmetic layout fixes
- #233 Exported results location shown with link
- #232 Incorrect number of pages in results
- #230 Re-ordered profiling list view filters into logical groups rather than alphabetically
- #229 Increased profile results size limits to handle larger tables
- #213 Favicon now displayed on login screen
- #184 Reports and stages can be deleted to manage database size
- #181 Running jobs can be cancelled
- #178 Timeout profiling large tables
- #168 Entities can be added or ammended after creation
- #241 Fixed Inconsistent timezone on Job Progress
- #224 Removed references to wizards on some screens
- #235 LetsEncrypt certificates can be requested via to the UI
- #256 Solved issue with Intermittent failure of scheduled jobs
- #255 Action button for schedule missing under some circumstances
- #263 MakeRndCardCols returns an error
- #253 rename GetDataEntity to GetDataEntityConfig for clearity and implement RndRecordFrom on DBQuery
- #259 Creating stage where entities have foreign keys to other ommited entities cases error 500
- #262 Error using 'Run again' from job progress or run history
- #276 The iData worker is now setup on application start if not already configured
- #274/#275 Fixed an issue where the admin role was not being properly checked for when running a script
- Resolved a issue when running a job "Issuer name does not match authority"
- #269 iData currently does not support MSSQL Spatial data types such as Geography
- #269 Skip unreadable data types such as spatial
- #300 Fixed link to job in the notification Email from showing an error when clicked
- #291 Fixed an issue where CSV entity names containing spaces would generate bad variable names
- #288 Resolved an issue when deleting a stage
- #297 Solved issue with uploading licence
- #343/#344 Fixed various styling and css issues
- #326 Solved issue where not all profilers where shown when hitting the 150 column limit
- #343/#344/338/339 Fixed various styling and css issues
- #323 Fixed AutoMapping CSV to SQL for Wide Table
- #355 Solved issue with referential integrity and data generation
- #356 Improved register validation to prevent User Enumeration
- #317 Set Similar Record modal width to prevent overflow of mapping container
- #318 Documents should no longer be incorrectly translated by the browser
- #347 Fixed an issue where new user accounts weren't being activated
- #309 Removed exec from user help commands
- #367 Fixed typo on LetsEncrypt screen along with adding a domain field and some instruction on how to change it
- #380 Added Two Factor Authentication
- #381 Added "Use Domain in Credentials" to email settings screen to allow for Gmail credentials to authenticate correctly
- #386 Fixed Number of Columns Compared counter not reporting anything
- #387 Fixed issue running stages with long names
- #396 Fixed CSV to CSV data mappings for strings
- #397 Fixed 500 error when opening a comparison report with mapped columns
- #400 By default we now limit the number of rows reported in each ETL and Comparison report and increased timeout on query to allow for bigger reports to be loaded
- #410 Resolved issue where deleting a report that is being processed courses an exception
- #412 Fixed 500 Error on the Settings screen
- #424 Fixed incorrect reference to step 4 in getting started guide
- #426 Updated formating on stage completion emails
- #432 Users are now prompted to login after registration. New Users get a welcome email
- #433 Fixed issue with apostrophe in CSV column name breaks scripts
- #449 Uploading a file no longer creates a folder with the same name
- #452 Encoded modal header titles before displaying them to prevent script injection
- #457 Fixed issue with default csv options that caused issues reading headers
- ⚠️ Known Issues
- #257 Order of source and target rows can swap depending on row status
- #252 ForEachRowFrom can't be used multiple times for the same OpenQuery
- #250 & #251 Generating data for tables with identity columns
- #183 Job stopped during processing
- Db Migrator always shows a warning message
- Unclear warning message when row size exceeded
- user search returns no users
- ignore values on similar records causes duplicates to be missed
- Similar records tooltip appears in wrong place
- Similar records occasionally missing expected results
- Restoring a db and ProgramData to a new server causes issues
- User with View Only permissions has no breadcrumb menus when viewing a report
- #368 Value cannot be null when using OnRndRows method on column that accepts null
- #401 script log updates are added to the current page even when its not the latest page
- #406 project owner not listed in project permissions
- Skipping all records seems to cause an issue
- #421 report columns don't line up with headers on tables with a large number of columns
- #422 need to scroll to see popup menu
- #423 Editing a script with a long path causes save and close buttons to be partially hiden
- #426 alert notification email message needs tidying up
- #436 Internittent timeout on results screen and error sending progress to source
- #439 job status intermittently fails to go to a green tick
- short columns with long names causes poor formatting in reports
Version - 1.8.1
- ❇️ New
- new data generation method GetRndRecord can be used to select multiple fields from a randomly selected lookup record
- values can be set using a 'Get' from another column when using SetText, SetInt etc
- RndRange transforms can now accept range parameters using a 'Get' from other columns
- values can be assigned using a general 'Set' that uses the data type of the parameter
- added RndDateTimeRange which returns a random date and time between the specified values
- AddressValidationAPI has an option to refresh the cache once the records are older than a configurable amount of days
- added request logging to AddressValidationAPI using LogRequestContaining config setting
- AddressValidationAPI cache is now encrypted
- MakeRndPersonCols when used for obfuscating guarantees a generated name will be different from original name
- Domains for generated email addresses have been updated to avoid clashing with real email addresses
- Limited SetMaxUniqueValues(int) to 100,000 to ensure stability when profiling
- Added ReplaceControlCharacters to remove control characters.
- Added ReplaceMultipleSpaces to replace multiple spaces.
- Added ReplaceBlanksWithNulls to replace blanks to Null.
- ConvertToText can now support non-numeric format specificer and culture code.
- Added data type validation to Csv readers when types are defined by the user, with functions to handle validation errors, OnReadErrorContinue() and OnReadErrorAbort()
- Allow scripts to prevent automatic failure of a row after validating an email or address and implement their own handling of the issue including retrieving the error message. See IValidateCondition functions
- 🔀 Changed
- IMPORTANT: Selecting random values based on weighting was found to be inaccurate and has been updated. Random selections with weightings will generate a different selection of results after this change.
- when using Get to obtain a reference to a field a default value can supplied if the field isn't found
- RndDateRange returns dates with time set to midnight see RndDateTimeRange
- Improved the profiling logic for detecting a columns data type
- Parameters on Transformations and Conditions now accept column references
- Skipping a row now deletes it from the output
- Column name references available for more functions, updated list in iData Reference Manual
- SetTimeZoneOffset replaced with SetUTCTimeZoneOffset and SetLocalTimeZoneOffset
- TestDataSet values set with NextXXX or ForEachXXX are now set before all other transforms take place, rather than after, so their values can be used by other transforms
- AutoFixAddress verification now maps addresses containing a Company Name, Property Name, or Locality, to the street/town columns
- AutoFixAddress verification only replaces responses with a return value of 100 and 400 by default, WithAllowedFlags() can be used to set a custom list of allowed flags. More information on flags can be found in the docs.
- Removed Binary Transforms as they were not useful in their current form
- Amended ReplaceNearest to support default value
- Added RntIntBetween which generates values including the maximum value
- Generated credit cards now give an invalid checksum by default. Added EnableValidCheckDigit() to the tag settings toa allow valid checksums to be generated.
- ☑️ Fixed
- Lookups from csv files will use column types defined using SetColumnToXXX
- Fixed infinite data generation when no row limit or foreach
- Report viewer now correctly reports invalid filenames instead of reporting missing files as invalid encryption keys
- Report viewer now correctly handles splitting of files correctly
- FormatText now works on fields that contain a NULL value
- Fixed error when using SetPatternLiteral
- Fixed 'UpdateColumnDefinition' which now correctly increases column sizes when ingesting csv data
- Miscapitalised column names used in SetColumnMapping no longer throw an error with counter group '???'
- AddressValidationAPI no longer requires external dependencies to run
- AddressValidationAPI will now create missing cache
- Stopped Abs transform displaying warning for positive numbers
- Fixed an issue when generating data that would cause the primary keys to be set to null
- Fixed NULL value handling when used with references to other fields
- #225 Fixed an issue when generating data that would cause the primary keys to be set to null
- CSV entries longer than 8000 characters will no longer throw an error
Version - 1.8.0
- ❇️ New
- Reports are compressed and encrypted to a single .idr report file by default
- Added SetVirtualFolder to filemanager to direct all folder contents to a single report file
- Encryption keys can be created and set through a encryption key pass phrase in the user interface
- Installer now deploys Report Viewer to view .idr files
- 🔀 Changed
- Profilers are now listed alphabetically
- ☑️ Fixed
- Fixed issue when using multiple lookups in one script
- Fixed profile reports with group results
- Fixed opening reports on a network drive accessed via a UNC path
- Fixed AutoFix address output miscapitalising words
- Fixed error when address config not set
- Fixed regex match error when the db value is null
Version - 1.7.2
- ❇️ New
- Added RestClient to allow for iData scripts to interact with Rest endpoints
- Added TextFileReader to allow for any text based file to be open and be used in a datastream
- Added TextFileWriter allowing transform engine to write to text files
- Added RestartLimit and RestartDisabled for Next lookup transforms
- Added SetTwoDigitYearMax to set the default century for two digit year date formats
- Added SetColumnToGuid to database readers to ensure unique identifiers are compared correctly
- Allow csv writers to append or overwrite existing files
- 🔀 Changed
- Updated ETL wizard to EnableIdentityInsert when target has identity column.
- MakeRndAddressCols() can use existing country or region or filter by country and region with UseCurrentCountry UseCurrentCountryAndRegion options
- Removed VaryBy()
- Added foreign key references to wizard script
- SetColumnToDateTime now also takes optional DateFormat to override the default
- CreateTableIfMissing now uses the input column name not a normalised version
- AddRecord now uses Upsert when there are no comparisons
- Added column mapping to the source stream, a compare is no longer necessary to map columns, compare mapping is being deprecated
- AutoFix now capitalises location names, and places houses in address line 1
- Dates are now formatted to the local time before being written to reports
- ☑️ Fixed
- Fixed data generation resetting identity columns
- RepeatRnd() changed to inclusive range to match Repeat() and missing ref bug fixed
- Allow updates to unique keys when source or destination have no rows
- Ensure error messages are reported for all row states
- Fixed error when uploading from excel sheets with numbers for sheet names
- Fixed TrackRowUpdates when used with existing data
- Fixed Importing csv file with only headers
- Fixed wild cards not applying tags to each column
- Fixed cardinality max value estimator not tracking past the set limit
Version - 1.7.1
- ❇️ New
- DbWriter and SQLWriter now supports creating and updating schema using CreateTableIfMissing, CreateColumnIfMissing and UpdateColumnDefinition.
- Added ExcelWriter allowing transform engine to write to excel sheets
- Added support for password protected excel files
- Added ExtractRegex() transform which allows text matching a given regex pattern to be extracted and optionally replaced with other text
- Added ToCol() which allows text extracted from ExtractRegex() to be placed in another column
- Added Company, Email, and Phone number to random address generation
- Added SetPatternLiteral() to toggle between pattern generation and literal characters in RndPatterns()
- Added Single, Double, and Triple word occurance count to the profiling report
- Added AddressLine1, AddressLine2, and AddressLine3 for generic columns
- Added SetColumnMappingFrom() to allow the use of lookup tables to map compared columns
- Added EnableAddressFixLookupService to enable the use of AFD instead of LibPostal to clean addresses, alongside EnableAddressFixMachineLearning, default option is set in AppSettings.ini
- Added abort to transforms when too many writes fail in a row can limit can be set with SetWriterMaxWriteFail
- MakeCol now accepts Wildcards to select multiple columns at once
- MakeCol now accepts multiple columns to be passed at once
- Added ExcelReader allowing transform engine to read from excel sheets
- ExcelReader stops reading when blank rows found
- New Licencing system. Contact Intelligent Delievery Solutions for support.
- TrackRowUpdates() now writes comments to SQL, CSV and Excel files
- iData Address Validation API is now packaged with the iData install
- Added date and time to console logs
- Added new conditions to match profiler results. E.G. HasPunctuation
- 🔀 Changed
- Lookup matches not support patterns
- Merged CardPrefix and CardPrefixRange for card definition in AppSettings
- Cards higher than 19 digits can now be validated
- AutoFixAddressFields now works on tables with joined number and street fields
- Reports no longer show [no value] when one of the rows is entirely missing. e.g. No Src/Dest or Add and Delete
- Column values can now be used as parameters in conditions such as Contains
- You can no longer edit unique key columns while comparing unless the destination table is empty
- Limited the UI log output to 1000 lines
- AutoFixAddressFields and VerifyAddressFields now work with group tags
- IsValid and NotValid has been added to functions VerifyEmailAddress, VerifyAddressFields, AutoFixAddressFields, CheckForeignKeys, and CheckUniqueKeys
- Generate more diverse set of company names
- By default tables stop at the first empty row, and the first empty header if headers are set
- ☑️ Fixed
- Prevent error when uniqueidentifier is table key and also using Rnd transforms
- Fixed system buffer version mismatch
- Fixed spelling on some Rnd... transforms from Rng...
- Fixed filter buttons sometimes not showing up on ETL reports
- Set RndPatterns() to accept punctuation.
- Report links with spaces now work
- Csv files with trialing spaces in headers now work
- Allow duplicate values in data for In and Replace operations
- Fixed some formatting issues in the documentation
- Data writes take column mappings into account and shows correct mapping in headers in report
- Fixed showing mapped columns in report when writing to empty table
- Fixed table name validation issue
- Speacial characters in excel sheet names now upload okay
- Address generation email column not defined and street address default seed
Version - 1.7.0
- ❇️ New
- More detailed stack trace for errors
- Added NextGuid(), RndGuid() and EachGuid() transforms
- Added OnNthRow() transform
- Added ConvertToBigInt() which converts the value to a 64 bit integer
- More detailed stack trace for errors
- Added a UniquePrefixes profiler
- Added RndWords() transform which generates a random Lorum Ipsum paragraph
- Added ability for tags to be grouped together
- Added enhanced Mask() which allows full or partial masking of text with a given mask character
- Added enhanced MaskExcept() to mask all except a given range
- Added Repeat/RepeatRnd modifier(s) to Each and Next Transformations to repeat the value the requested number of times
- Added MakeKeys and ForEachRowFrom/NextRowFrom to setup keys values from a parent table
- Added default value option to conversion transformations
- Added the ability to set the seed for randomly generated data to an alternative name instead of the column name with UseSeedName()
- Added AllUppercase, AllLowercase and MixedCase profilers
- Added Flush() to reports to write any buffered output
- Added ability to set RequiredRows for a TestSet
- Added RepeatRnd() function which allows Each and Next transforms to be randomly reset
- Each functions are now known as ForEach. e.g. EachText is now ForEachText
- Added RestartRnd() which restarts a ForEach sequence after a random amount of iterations between the given minValue and maxValue
- Added SetBinary(), RndBinary(), NextBinary(), EachBinary() and EachFrom versions of these
- Added RowLimit() to Each data items to allow for generation of data for smaller sub sets
- Added SetDifferenceFilename() option to comparison options
- All transforms can now be contained within a TestDataSet()
- All TestDataSet() calls must now have an accompanying EndTestDataSet()
- Added GetCardType() to check a card number for a matching card type, returns the found type as a string
- Added MatchKeysAlphbetically() method to comparison settings to allow for keys to be compared alphanumerically
- Added the ability to enable soundex for similar record checker via similar record tags
- Added the ability to ignore words for similar record checker via similar record tags
- Added the a sort by method the similar record configuration object
- Added BlankCol() to blank selected columns
- Added UniquePatternLengthIndependent profiler
- Added MakeRndCreditCardCols() to generate credit card data on tagged columns. Additionally, SetValidCardTypes() can be used to select card types to generate.
- 🔀 Changed
- Temp data is now written to local app data
- By default both MakeRndAddressCols() and MakeRndPersonCols() use predefined seeds. This can be changed with the new UseDefaultSeeds()/UseColSeeds() options
- ☑️ Fixed
- Prevent error when uniqueidentifier is table key and also using Rnd transforms
- Fixed system buffer version mismatch
- Fixed spelling on some Rnd... transforms from Rng...
Version - 1.6.1
- ❇️ New
- Added the ability to set a timeout when calling Execute() on a DBQuery
- Added NextIntAsc(), NextFloatAsc(), NextDecimalAsc(), NextYearAsc(), NextMonthAsc(), NextDayAsc(), NextHourAsc(), NextMinuteAsc(), NextSecondAsc() and NextMillisecondAsc() which increment a value by a given step
- Added the RngRegex transformation to randomly generate values that match the specified regular expression
- Added ability to generate synthetic data using OpenTableGenerator(). Additionally, use SetTotalRows() and UseOptimalRows to set the amount generated
- Added a new DataType profiler that reports back the type of each column profiled
- Added a new Median profiler that reports back an estimated median value when the number of unique values has been exceeded. Actual median is reported below this limit
- Added Host.NewDateTimeFormat() and Host.SetDefaultDateTimeFormat() which allow for parsing custom date formats
- Added a progress bar when the profiler is writing out html reports
- Added a new VaryBy transformation that can be used when obfuscating values
- Added OnRndRows() and OnRows() to allow for transformations to be applied on a subset of rows
- Added grouped profiling results to the profiling reports
- Added IsBlank() and NotBlank() conditional transformations
- Added Between() and NotBetween() conditional transformations
- Added option to paginate sql and csv files via a parameter on Host.WriteSqlScript() and Host.WriteCsvFile()
- Added the ability to edit and add new connections from the connection picker when running a wizard
- Added Or() conditional transformation
- Added SetBigInt() which sets the value to the given int as Int64
- Added ConvertToBigInt() which converts the value to a 64 bit integer
- 🔀 Changed
- MoreThan(), Equals(), AtLeast() and other comparisons will convert text values to dates before comparing them
- NextIntFrom(), NextDoubleFrom(),NextFloatFrom(), NextTextFrom() and NextDateFrom() have been renamed to NextInt(), NextDouble() etc when using a list of values opposed to a lookup
- Null values are now included in the unique values profiler results
- Total row count is now shown next to the Unique values on the profiling report
- Now when the number of unique values passes 1000(by default) an estimation of the number of unique values is provided for the profiling reports
- ☑️ Fixed
- Error message is displayed in reports when invalid column mappings are provided
Version - 1.6.0
- ❇️ New
- When updating from 1.5.* to 1.6 iData needs to be uninstalled prior to updating
- Added SetWriteFailedRecords() which allows failed records to be written to a separate destination
- Added new setting to profiler results SetMaxCharLimit() which prevents the profiling of exceedingly large text values
- Added NewLookup() to Host that allows the building of lookup tables from within scripts
- Added NextIntFrom(), NextDecimalFrom(), NextDateFrom(), NextFloatFrom() and NextTextFrom() which loop through given values replacing each value in turn
- Added RndTextFrom(), RndIntFrom(), RndDecimalFrom(), RndFloatFrom(), RndDateTimeFrom() and RndTextFrom() which select a random value from provided values
- Added RndTextPattern() which converts a pattern, e.g. 'A9A 9A9', into a random string with the same pattern e.g A7A 3R8
- Added SetGenerationSeedCols() to set which column values are used as the seed for generated data
- Added RndIntRange(),RndFloatRange(),RndDoubleRange(),RndDecimalRange() and RndDateRange() used to generate random data
- Added the ability to sample datastreams with the SetSampleSize() method
- Added the ability to generate random addresses with the MakeRndAddressCols() transformation
- Added Each transforms which generate data in combination with other Each transforms. Added for Text, Int, Decimal, Float and Dates. Each transforms can be used with LookupTables using Each...From
- 🔀 Changed
- Renamed AutoFixPhoneNumber() transformation to FormatPhoneNumber()
Version - 1.5.1
- ☑️ Fixed
- Fixed comparison summary not reporting differences when source rows missing from destination
- Fixed row count out by 1 when reading from csv files
Version - 1.5.0
- ❇️ New
- Added Profiling and Profiling wizard to discover data patterns and potential data quality issues
- Added Check for Similar Records and Similar records Wizard to search for records that could be duplicates
- Created data transform engine for ETL as well as comparison See NewDataTransform in docs
- Added transformations: ConvertToDecimal(), ConvertToText(), ConvertToDateTime(), ReformatDateTimeText()
- Added AutoCapitalise() transformation allowing for words to be automatically capitalised
- Added transformations: Trim(), TrimEnd(), TrimStart()
- Added the ability to tag columns as the following: TagAsPersonTitleName(), TagAsPersonFirstName(),TagAsPersonMiddleName(),TagAsPersonLastName()
- Intelligently clean person/name related data: AutoFixPersonFields(), DistributePersonFullName() that have been tagged as person fields
- Added EnableDomainCheck() on TagAsEmail to check if the email domain exists
- New transformations: CopyCol() and CopyColValue()
- New transformation: ReplaceWildcard()
- Added for lookup table: EnableWildcards(), EnableRegex()
- Added conditions: IsValid(), NotValid() to report if tagged columns such as emails are valid
- Added TagAsPhoneNumber() to allow tagging of phone number columns see AutoFixPhoneNumbers
- Added AutoFixPhoneNumbers() to convert phone numbers to standarised formatting
- Reports are now timestamped so results do not get lost between runs
- Added conditions: MatchesDateTimeText(format) and NotMatchDateTimeText(format)
- Added CheckForeignKey() to stream to check if all foreign keys are present
- Added CheckUniqueKey() to streams to check all key values are unique
- Added TagProfilerSetting() to allow for custom profiler settings
- An SQL output can be added for both CheckForeignKeys() and CheckUniqueKeys() via SetSqlResultsFilename()
- Common values outputted by the Profiler can be save to CSV via the WriteCommonValuesToCSV() command
- Added PadLeft() and PadRight() to add spaces to a value
- Added DifferenceFrom condition to allow for approximate string matching
- Added ConvertToJulianDateTime() and ConvertToUnixDateTime()
- The ConvertToDateTime transformation now works with unix timestamps and julian dates.
- Added SetLong(), SetBool(), SetDecimal(), SetGuid(), SetShort(), SetByte(), and SetDateTimeOffset()
- Added EnableMultipleSelections()/DisableMultipleSelections() to SetControlToListBox() for use with Wizards
- Added an Else statement for use with conditions
- The name parameter of MakeCol() can now be omitted, MakeCol() will use the column name provided in preceding IfCol() or IfSrcCol() methods
- Added ability to enable and disable warnings with via EnableLogWarnings(), DisableLogWarnings(), EnableAbortOnWarnings(), DisableAbortOnWarnings(), RestoreLogWarning()
- Added CoalesceCols() to get the first non null value from a list of columns
- Added Substring() transform to get part of a text value
- Added JoinCols() transform to combine several colums into one value
- Added InsertText() and InsertColText() transform to add text at the begining or middle of a value
- Added TagAsDomain() to allow tagging of a web domain column
- Added NewDBResultsWriter() to the Host object
- Added TrackRowUpdates() and StopTrackRowUpdates()
- Added SetDNSServer(), ExportDNSCache() and ImportDNSCache()
- Added TagAsCreditCard() and validation to check if credit card numbers are valid
- Added EnableSoundex() to lookup tables
- Added Obfuscate() transform to replace original characters with random characters
- Added Mask() transform to replace original characters with fixed characters
- Profiling Results can now be grouped by columns
- Lookup tables can now be filtered using FilterOn() and Using()
- 🔀 Changed
- Database connections and application settings are now read from %LocalAppData%/iData/Settings
- Data comparison engine still works but is deprecated, use NewDataTransform instead
- NewInputStream still works but is deprecated, use NewStream instead
Version - 1.4.0
- ❇️ New
- Upgrade to V8 jscript engine, for better performance, error handling and latest jscript syntax
- Doubled performance running scripts in gui with background thread
- Allow debugging scripts from VSCode. See Docs
- Allow scripts to be stopped from the UI by clicking the run button a second time
- NewDbCompare can use SetSrcData or SetDestData instead of SetSrcTable or SetDestTable. SetSrcData can be passed value from OpenCsvFile. This allows control over csv file separators and column settings
- NewDbCompare can use SetSrcQuery or SetDestQuery to allow comparison of joined tables or pre-processing of data using sql before iData transformations
- Use a lookup table from a query or csv file to replace values using ReplaceValueWithLookup
- The database definition of a Null value can now be accessed through Host.DBNull which has a different value from null
- IgnoreCase can be applied to make transformations such as Replace case insensitive and MatchCase can turn it case sensitive again
- Added SetInt, SetFloat, and SetDateTime to set a column to a specific value of the given type
- Created maths operations for Add, Subtract and Remainder
- SetMatchDistance added to allow nearest close match to data in lookup table. See Docs
- Added SetDateTimeParts to allow part of a dateTime to be changed.
- Added SetANSICodePage to allow encoding to be specified when reading CSV files.
- 🔀 Changed
- Interactive scripts must have 'Wizard' as part of their filename, for automatic optimisation
- ReplaceRegex ignore case parameter deprecated in favor of IgnoreCase command
- ReplaceValueWithLookup deprecated and renamed ReplaceLookup
- ☑️ Fixed
- Fixed invalid warning when comparing source query to destination csv file
- Fixed crash caused by duplicate database connection names
- Report any errors generated by wizards
- Prevent ConfirmRequiredVersion flagging identical build numbers as different
- Prevent missing dates in CSV files generating invalid SQL dateTimes
- Fixed cleanup of database connections after DbCompare
Version - 1.3.6
- ❇️ New
- Add testConnection wizard. See getting started
- Accept jscript regex expressions in MatchRegex and NotMatchRegex. See Api docs
- 🔀 Changed
- Database connections details reloaded on demand. No need to re-start gui to refresh
- Improved error message for script errors in comparisons
- ☑️ Fixed
- Update progress report when skipping rows during comparison
Version - 1.3.5
- ❇️ New
- Recored and report statitics for each column
- Accept native jscript regex expressions in MatchRegex and NotMatchRegex. See Api docs
- Remove duplicates rows before comparison. See RemoveSrcDuplicates in Api Docs
- 🔀 Changed
- Limit comparison reports of mismatched rows to avoid hiding other issues
- ☑️ Fixed
- Report attempts to map columns incorrectly in comparisons
- Prevent installer overwritting connection strings on re-install
Version - 1.3.4
- ❇️ New
- Allow comparison to specify IncludeColumns as well as SkipColumns. See Api docs
- Allow columns to be SetNull. See api docs
Version - 1.3.3
- ❇️ New
- All In to use lookup tables from CSV or queries. See API docs
Version - 1.3.2
- ❇️ New
- Additional conditions In, StartsWith etc. See API docs
Version - 1.3.1
- 🔀 Changed
- Improved database connection error messages
Version - 1.3.0
- ❇️ New
- Support for splitting and joining columns. e.g. AddColText. See Api docs
Version - 1.2.0
- ❇️ New
- Database comparison wizard
- Import CSV data for comparison
Version - 1.1.0
- ❇️ New
- Database comparison
- Read/write to Excel files