iData release notes
Version 2.0.5
Updated: 18/04/2023
Version - 2.0.5
- ❇️ New
Implemented OAuth login for Salesforce Data Sources
(ref 4983)
Implement OEM salesforce database driver
(ref 4885)
Added a user interface guide
(ref 4850)
- #552
Added open source licences to the Help page
(ref 4856)
- #405
Allow rows to be tagged with categories
(ref 4669)
- #385
Added Import and Export feature for Projects
(ref 4487)
- #537
Added view only mode to the Edit Data Entity screen for users without permissions
(ref 4826)
Added maintenance mode for orderly updates
(ref 4533)
Added SoapClient to allow for iData scripts to interact with SOAP API's
(ref 4705)
Added Host.XmlToJson and Host.JsonToXml that allow converstion between Json and XML
(ref 4707)
- #491
Added Host.GetMachineID() to get machine ID in scripts
(ref 4714)
- 🔀 Changed
- #577
Update iData Reference Manual regarding TagAsEmail().WithSimpleValidation()
(ref 4894)
A valid server certificate is now required for MSSql data sources. To proceed without a valid certificate, the “Trust Server Certificate” flag under a selected data source can be enabled.
(ref 4933)
- #585
Importing projects will now redirect users to update datasources. Stages are prevented from running until all datasources are valid.
(ref 4928)
Reduced the load time of Data Entities when creating a stage
(ref 4844)
Refactored username lookups for datatables
(ref 4867)
- #420
The transform script output now has specific error text for attempting to use OnNthRow while no unique keys are set
(ref 4865)
- #549
Data sources are now individually licensed. An updated license file will be required.
(ref 4857)
- #417
Updated deprecated RndPatterns method in default transform script
(ref 4864)
Updated SalesForce documentation in the iData Reference Manual
(ref 4843)
- #534,#536
Users with user management permission allowed to enable 2FA
(ref 4810)
Clicking "Close" after ingesting a table now takes the user directly to entity creation, letting them create an entity from the ingested table
(ref 4735)
- ☑️ Fixed
- #663
Resolved issue that could cause stages to fail to generate if the entity dependencies got outdated
(ref 5172) 🆕[18/04/2023]
- #640
Fixed an error that occured when submitting an invalid server name
(ref 5113)
- #642
The new Stage screen no longer throws an error when a licence is missing
(ref 5105)
- #634
Fixed issue with parameter box on the schedules page not loading correctly
(ref 5097)
- #586
Fixed authorisation error on Job Queue page
(ref 5095)
- #539
Fixed issue with schedules page showing schedules from other projects
(ref 5083)
Resolved an issue that stopped Excel files being written in iData 2.0
(ref 4667) 🆕[18/04/2023]
Fixed an issue that caused Excel files to become currupt in iData 2.0
(ref 4666)
- #619
Added bool to default MSSqlWhitelist
(ref 5060)
- #602
Added reminder to update connection string (step 5) in error message (step 6).
(ref Story 5008)
- #608
Solved null reference exception when creating Data Gen stage with a Salesforce entity
(ref 5044)
- #594
Fixed error when clicking on an "In Progress" report
(ref 4960)
- #606
Fixed running data generation on salesforce
(ref 5016)
- #576
Fixed iData reference manual typo in TagAsDomain
(ref 4895)
- #575
Updated iData reference manual "Manually tagging" reference
(ref 4896)
- #587
Fixed issue running stages after migration
(ref 4937)
- #565
Fixed issue where the edit entity page was returning a 400 error
(ref 4903)
- #566
Resolved the "Method GetScriptArguments threw ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'g')" error message
(ref 4902)
Stages of imported projects can now be executed
(ref 4913)
- #556
Fixed long banner text causes layout issues
(ref 4870)
- #249
Files uploaded to lookup folder are automatically made accessible from scripts
(ref 4854)
- #415
Implemented RndGuid() when primary key type is uniqueidentifier for default transform scripts
(ref 4863)
- #546,#547,#558
Fixed issues in creating non-word stage name
(ref 4829)
Data Entity dependencies are now automatically created to prevent errors from missing references
(ref 4845)
- #547
Fixed an issue where stage names with spaces would not generate scripts
(ref 4855)
- #503
iData now handles controlled shutdowns gracefully
(ref 4755)
- #279
Fixed issue where the newly created project is not selected by default
(ref 4798)
- #559
Ensure all database migration steps are recorded to avoid database upgrade warning message
(ref 4879)
- #531
Fixed issue with log download API pointing to the wrong location
(ref 4808)
- #533
Fixed to display role names for users with the Delete Role permission only
(ref 4809)
- #543
Fixed restore user confirm message
(ref 4828)
- #535
Updated roles, permissions, and project permissions to prevent users from getting more access by creating another account
(ref 4811)
- #545
Fixed an issue with Profile Results that prevented List View from displaying when View All Tables was selected in the filter
(ref 4819)
- #357
User account search now returning results
(ref 4432)
- #485
Source Entities no longer fail to load when editing mappings for Single Mapping stages
(ref 4698)
- #512
Fixed file locks when writing to file in scripts
(ref 4779)
- #518
Add permission checking in File browser
(ref 4792)
- #538
Fixed view only permission closing script editor issue
(ref 4813)
- #495
Re-visited users being logged out when marked as inactive
(ref 3999)
Similar records no longer skips a row after matching a group
(ref 4458)
- #484
Users are now forced to select a column in Similar Records stage
(ref 4697)
- #492
Apply consistent row ordering in reports
(ref 4737)
- #493
TagAsCompanyEmail tag added to differentiate between different types of emails. Appropriate email now generated according to selected email tag
(ref 4739)
- #495
Fixed issue where inactive users were being sent to the email confirmation screen when they attempt to log in
(ref 4743)
- #523
Allow admin role users delete other users project
(ref 4794)
- #526
Datatables in modals no longer have the same fixed height as datatables on the page
(ref 4804)
- #530
Fixed typo on 2FA setting page
(ref 4807)
Version - 2.0.4
- ❇️ New
Added a page before ingesting a CSV file into a database that describes what the action will do
Added a "Create Folder" button on CSV Datasource creation modal. This allows new folders to be used as bases for Datasources
Added a "New Folder" button for Files
Added a "Browse and Upload Files" option for CSV Datasources
Added option to ingest CSV file into a database via the action menu
Files and folders can now be downloaded via the actions menu
Added ability to categories records and view them in the report
- 🔀 Changed
Removed SetColumnToChar due to SQL incompatibility and JSON object issues
#442 update EULA in installer
Removed legacy Host.NewDbCompare
Depreciated SearchGroups for SearchGroup while an issue with multiple runs is resolved
#487 Default data generation scripts for number columns will now generate data relevant to that field type instead of just integers
Moved the "Upload Folder" button for CSV Datasources to the top of the modal
The folder rename dialog in Files no longer requires you to manually remove the backslash and is now titled "Renamed Folder"
Changed how client secrets are stored, this may require creating a new client secret for the worker via the Administration -> Settings -> Worker Settings menu
#479 iData virtual file system storage and performance improvements
Csv datasource re-enabled
- ☑️ Fixed
#490 Fixed issue involving characters in file paths
#469 Fixed issue where execution time was not taking UTC into account
#454 Fixed issue where data type mappings are not applied correctly when comparing a CSV to a table
ETL tooltips now show the names of each row state
Fixed issue with updating progress bars that caused exceptions in the log and the progress bar to not show in the UI
Fixed issue where DBMigrator was not accepting some characters as symbols
#463 Fixed ussue on Schedule page where parameters with checkboxes where not working correctly
#450 Fixed grammar in the limited results text for the report details page
#480 The new CSV Datasource dialog now fits the screen
#464 Permission are now all visible without scrolling
#382 Fixed similar records skipping rows when two groups are close together
#497 Fixed the select data source screen not showing data sources
#506 Fixed edit CSV Datasource no responses issue
#514 Fixed issue where Host.ExitCode was being ignored. Negative values will now cause the script to fail
#527 Fixed new CSV Datasource page upload folder button disappear issue
#529 Fixed stage page and others pages that were not displaying results because the user who created the item had been deleted
Version - 2.0.3
- 🔀 Changed
Disabled csv datasource until #479 resolved
Version - 2.0.2
- ❇️ New
On application launch systeminfo.txt is written to ProgramData\IntelligentDeliverySolutions\iData
- 🔀 Changed
iDataConsole now uses the same encryption as iDataSaaS
#438 Updated 2FA warning message on users page to be more readable
#446 Auto focus username field on login screen
- ☑️ Fixed
No longer shows UpdateProgress exception in script logs when a job ends prematurely
Fixed tooltips on long report values that overflow in Similar Records
A CSV with a duplicate header no longer causes an unhandled exception
#384 Fixed issue where users without CreateProject permission didn't have breadcrumbs
#423 Fixed issue where script path would hide script editor controls
#444 Fixed issue with incorrect filters showing on the report page
#453 Cancelling a job no longer throws a stack trace to the console output
#462 Fixed Typo on Log Settings Screen
#468 Fixed CSV Download issue
#470 Fixed issue allow editing entities with same name on different datasource
#471 Fixed where cancelling a stage generates an error and fails to stop the stage from running
Version - 2.0.1
- ❇️ New
Web user interface
Integrated editor
Datasource and Data entity management through the User interface
Manage and update stages through the user interface (Replacing wizards)
Schedule execution
Interactive reports and drilldown
Projects to organize work and users
Run multiple jobs in parallel
Auto logout user when the user is deleted or has permission change
- 🔀 Changed
Removed support for legacy configuration files
Removed support for legacy wizards. Host.HeadlessWizard, Host.NewWizard, Host.MessageBoxYesNo, Host.MessageBoxWarning have been removed
Host.Exec is deprecated, use javascripts import/export statements. Find out more here:
EnableNewColumns() on text writers has been replaced with PreventNewColumns()
Removed support for RemoveDuplicates transform
Updated the UI so only one column can be selected for grouping on SimilarRecords
- ☑️ Fixed
#261 & #231 Fixed sorting by name on project and stage screens
#260 Changes to stages through the UI overwrite manual changes to scripts
#254 Unhandled data types now fails gracefully, however further change will be made in #259
#249 Manually adding a lookup file updates lookups.js to support code completion in the editor
#248 Renaming a lookup file removes contents
#246 Users with execute rights don't have to be in the admin group
#245 Incorrect version number returned from command line
#244 RndIntBetween added for generating inclusive numbers, help for RndIntRange updated to state it generates numbers excluding the end value
#243 Set generate 0 or 1 values for bit fields
#242 ConvertToText now takes requested region and culture into account when formatting dates
#239 Column names with apostrophe's are now handled correctly
#237 #228 #227 #226 #220 Cosmetic layout fixes
#233 Exported results location shown with link
#232 Incorrect number of pages in results
#230 Re-ordered profiling list view filters into logical groups rather than alphabetically
#229 Increased profile results size limits to handle larger tables
#213 Favicon now displayed on login screen
#184 Reports and stages can be deleted to manage database size
#181 Running jobs can be cancelled
#178 Timeout profiling large tables
#168 Entities can be added or ammended after creation
#241 Fixed Inconsistent timezone on Job Progress
#224 Removed references to wizards on some screens
#235 LetsEncrypt certificates can be requested via to the UI
#256 Solved issue with Intermittent failure of scheduled jobs
#255 Action button for schedule missing under some circumstances
#263 MakeRndCardCols returns an error
#253 rename GetDataEntity to GetDataEntityConfig for clearity and implement RndRecordFrom on DBQuery
#259 Creating stage where entities have foreign keys to other ommited entities cases error 500
#262 Error using 'Run again' from job progress or run history
#276 The iData worker is now setup on application start if not already configured
#274/#275 Fixed an issue where the admin role was not being properly checked for when running a script
Resolved a issue when running a job "Issuer name does not match authority"
#269 iData currently does not support MSSQL Spatial data types such as Geography
#269 Skip unreadable data types such as spatial
#300 Fixed link to job in the notification Email from showing an error when clicked
#291 Fixed an issue where CSV entity names containing spaces would generate bad variable names
#288 Resolved an issue when deleting a stage
#297 Solved issue with uploading licence
#343/#344 Fixed various styling and css issues
#326 Solved issue where not all profilers where shown when hitting the 150 column limit
#343/#344/338/339 Fixed various styling and css issues
#323 Fixed AutoMapping CSV to SQL for Wide Table
#355 Solved issue with referential integrity and data generation
#356 Improved register validation to prevent User Enumeration
#317 Set Similar Record modal width to prevent overflow of mapping container
#318 Documents should no longer be incorrectly translated by the browser
#347 Fixed an issue where new user accounts weren't being activated
#309 Removed exec from user help commands
#367 Fixed typo on LetsEncrypt screen along with adding a domain field and some instruction on how to change it
#380 Added Two Factor Authentication
#381 Added "Use Domain in Credentials" to email settings screen to allow for Gmail credentials to authenticate correctly
#386 Fixed Number of Columns Compared counter not reporting anything
#387 Fixed issue running stages with long names
#396 Fixed CSV to CSV data mappings for strings
#397 Fixed 500 error when opening a comparison report with mapped columns
#400 By default we now limit the number of rows reported in each ETL and Comparison report and increased timeout on query to allow for bigger reports to be loaded
#410 Resolved issue where deleting a report that is being processed courses an exception
#412 Fixed 500 Error on the Settings screen
#424 Fixed incorrect reference to step 4 in getting started guide
#426 Updated formating on stage completion emails
#432 Users are now prompted to login after registration. New Users get a welcome email
#433 Fixed issue with apostrophe in CSV column name breaks scripts
#449 Uploading a file no longer creates a folder with the same name
#452 Encoded modal header titles before displaying them to prevent script injection
#457 Fixed issue with default csv options that caused issues reading headers
- ⚠️ Known Issues
#257 Order of source and target rows can swap depending on row status
#252 ForEachRowFrom can't be used multiple times for the same OpenQuery
#250 & #251 Generating data for tables with identity columns
#183 Job stopped during processing
Db Migrator always shows a warning message
Unclear warning message when row size exceeded
user search returns no users
ignore values on similar records causes duplicates to be missed
Similar records tooltip appears in wrong place
Similar records occasionally missing expected results
Restoring a db and ProgramData to a new server causes issues
User with View Only permissions has no breadcrumb menus when viewing a report
#368 Value cannot be null when using OnRndRows method on column that accepts null
#401 script log updates are added to the current page even when its not the latest page
#406 project owner not listed in project permissions
Skipping all records seems to cause an issue
#421 report columns don't line up with headers on tables with a large number of columns
#422 need to scroll to see popup menu
#423 Editing a script with a long path causes save and close buttons to be partially hiden
#426 alert notification email message needs tidying up
#436 Internittent timeout on results screen and error sending progress to source
#439 job status intermittently fails to go to a green tick
short columns with long names causes poor formatting in reports
Version - 1.8.1
- ❇️ New
new data generation method GetRndRecord can be used to select multiple fields from a randomly selected lookup record
values can be set using a 'Get' from another column when using SetText, SetInt etc
RndRange transforms can now accept range parameters using a 'Get' from other columns
values can be assigned using a general 'Set' that uses the data type of the parameter
added RndDateTimeRange which returns a random date and time between the specified values
AddressValidationAPI has an option to refresh the cache once the records are older than a configurable amount of days
added request logging to AddressValidationAPI using LogRequestContaining config setting
AddressValidationAPI cache is now encrypted
MakeRndPersonCols when used for obfuscating guarantees a generated name will be different from original name
Domains for generated email addresses have been updated to avoid clashing with real email addresses
Limited SetMaxUniqueValues(int) to 100,000 to ensure stability when profiling
Added ReplaceControlCharacters to remove control characters.
Added ReplaceMultipleSpaces to replace multiple spaces.
Added ReplaceBlanksWithNulls to replace blanks to Null.
ConvertToText can now support non-numeric format specificer and culture code.
Added data type validation to Csv readers when types are defined by the user, with functions to handle validation errors, OnReadErrorContinue() and OnReadErrorAbort()
Allow scripts to prevent automatic failure of a row after validating an email or address and implement their own handling of the issue including retrieving the error message. See IValidateCondition functions
- 🔀 Changed
IMPORTANT: Selecting random values based on weighting was found to be inaccurate and has been updated. Random selections with weightings will generate a different selection of results after this change.
when using Get to obtain a reference to a field a default value can supplied if the field isn't found
RndDateRange returns dates with time set to midnight see RndDateTimeRange
Improved the profiling logic for detecting a columns data type
Parameters on Transformations and Conditions now accept column references
Skipping a row now deletes it from the output
Column name references available for more functions, updated list in iData Reference Manual
SetTimeZoneOffset replaced with SetUTCTimeZoneOffset and SetLocalTimeZoneOffset
TestDataSet values set with NextXXX or ForEachXXX are now set before all other transforms take place, rather than after, so their values can be used by other transforms
AutoFixAddress verification now maps addresses containing a Company Name, Property Name, or Locality, to the street/town columns
AutoFixAddress verification only replaces responses with a return value of 100 and 400 by default, WithAllowedFlags() can be used to set a custom list of allowed flags. More information on flags can be found in the docs.
Removed Binary Transforms as they were not useful in their current form
Amended ReplaceNearest to support default value
Added RntIntBetween which generates values including the maximum value
Generated credit cards now give an invalid checksum by default. Added EnableValidCheckDigit() to the tag settings toa allow valid checksums to be generated.
- ☑️ Fixed
Lookups from csv files will use column types defined using SetColumnToXXX
Fixed infinite data generation when no row limit or foreach
Report viewer now correctly reports invalid filenames instead of reporting missing files as invalid encryption keys
Report viewer now correctly handles splitting of files correctly
FormatText now works on fields that contain a NULL value
Fixed error when using SetPatternLiteral
Fixed 'UpdateColumnDefinition' which now correctly increases column sizes when ingesting csv data
Miscapitalised column names used in SetColumnMapping no longer throw an error with counter group '???'
AddressValidationAPI no longer requires external dependencies to run
AddressValidationAPI will now create missing cache
Stopped Abs transform displaying warning for positive numbers
Fixed an issue when generating data that would cause the primary keys to be set to null
Fixed NULL value handling when used with references to other fields
#225 Fixed an issue when generating data that would cause the primary keys to be set to null
CSV entries longer than 8000 characters will no longer throw an error
Version - 1.8.0
- ❇️ New
Reports are compressed and encrypted to a single .idr report file by default
Added SetVirtualFolder to filemanager to direct all folder contents to a single report file
Encryption keys can be created and set through a encryption key pass phrase in the user interface
Installer now deploys Report Viewer to view .idr files
- 🔀 Changed
Profilers are now listed alphabetically
- ☑️ Fixed
Fixed issue when using multiple lookups in one script
Fixed profile reports with group results
Fixed opening reports on a network drive accessed via a UNC path
Fixed AutoFix address output miscapitalising words
Fixed error when address config not set
Fixed regex match error when the db value is null
Version - 1.7.2
- ❇️ New
Added RestClient to allow for iData scripts to interact with Rest endpoints
Added TextFileReader to allow for any text based file to be open and be used in a datastream
Added TextFileWriter allowing transform engine to write to text files
Added RestartLimit and RestartDisabled for Next lookup transforms
Added SetTwoDigitYearMax to set the default century for two digit year date formats
Added SetColumnToGuid to database readers to ensure unique identifiers are compared correctly
Allow csv writers to append or overwrite existing files
- 🔀 Changed
Updated ETL wizard to EnableIdentityInsert when target has identity column.
MakeRndAddressCols() can use existing country or region or filter by country and region with UseCurrentCountry UseCurrentCountryAndRegion options
Removed VaryBy()
Added foreign key references to wizard script
SetColumnToDateTime now also takes optional DateFormat to override the default
CreateTableIfMissing now uses the input column name not a normalised version
AddRecord now uses Upsert when there are no comparisons
Added column mapping to the source stream, a compare is no longer necessary to map columns, compare mapping is being deprecated
AutoFix now capitalises location names, and places houses in address line 1
Dates are now formatted to the local time before being written to reports
- ☑️ Fixed
Fixed data generation resetting identity columns
RepeatRnd() changed to inclusive range to match Repeat() and missing ref bug fixed
Allow updates to unique keys when source or destination have no rows
Ensure error messages are reported for all row states
Fixed error when uploading from excel sheets with numbers for sheet names
Fixed TrackRowUpdates when used with existing data
Fixed Importing csv file with only headers
Fixed wild cards not applying tags to each column
Fixed cardinality max value estimator not tracking past the set limit
Version - 1.7.1
- ❇️ New
DbWriter and SQLWriter now supports creating and updating schema using CreateTableIfMissing, CreateColumnIfMissing and UpdateColumnDefinition.
Added ExcelWriter allowing transform engine to write to excel sheets
Added support for password protected excel files
Added ExtractRegex() transform which allows text matching a given regex pattern to be extracted and optionally replaced with other text
Added ToCol() which allows text extracted from ExtractRegex() to be placed in another column
Added Company, Email, and Phone number to random address generation
Added SetPatternLiteral() to toggle between pattern generation and literal characters in RndPatterns()
Added Single, Double, and Triple word occurance count to the profiling report
Added AddressLine1, AddressLine2, and AddressLine3 for generic columns
Added SetColumnMappingFrom() to allow the use of lookup tables to map compared columns
Added EnableAddressFixLookupService to enable the use of AFD instead of LibPostal to clean addresses, alongside EnableAddressFixMachineLearning, default option is set in AppSettings.ini
Added abort to transforms when too many writes fail in a row can limit can be set with SetWriterMaxWriteFail
MakeCol now accepts Wildcards to select multiple columns at once
MakeCol now accepts multiple columns to be passed at once
Added ExcelReader allowing transform engine to read from excel sheets
ExcelReader stops reading when blank rows found
New Licencing system. Contact Intelligent Delievery Solutions for support.
TrackRowUpdates() now writes comments to SQL, CSV and Excel files
iData Address Validation API is now packaged with the iData install
Added date and time to console logs
Added new conditions to match profiler results. E.G. HasPunctuation
- 🔀 Changed
Lookup matches not support patterns
Merged CardPrefix and CardPrefixRange for card definition in AppSettings
Cards higher than 19 digits can now be validated
AutoFixAddressFields now works on tables with joined number and street fields
Reports no longer show [no value] when one of the rows is entirely missing. e.g. No Src/Dest or Add and Delete
Column values can now be used as parameters in conditions such as Contains
You can no longer edit unique key columns while comparing unless the destination table is empty
Limited the UI log output to 1000 lines
AutoFixAddressFields and VerifyAddressFields now work with group tags
IsValid and NotValid has been added to functions VerifyEmailAddress, VerifyAddressFields, AutoFixAddressFields, CheckForeignKeys, and CheckUniqueKeys
Generate more diverse set of company names
By default tables stop at the first empty row, and the first empty header if headers are set
- ☑️ Fixed
Prevent error when uniqueidentifier is table key and also using Rnd transforms
Fixed system buffer version mismatch
Fixed spelling on some Rnd... transforms from Rng...
Fixed filter buttons sometimes not showing up on ETL reports
Set RndPatterns() to accept punctuation.
Report links with spaces now work
Csv files with trialing spaces in headers now work
Allow duplicate values in data for In and Replace operations
Fixed some formatting issues in the documentation
Data writes take column mappings into account and shows correct mapping in headers in report
Fixed showing mapped columns in report when writing to empty table
Fixed table name validation issue
Speacial characters in excel sheet names now upload okay
Address generation email column not defined and street address default seed
Version - 1.7.0
- ❇️ New
More detailed stack trace for errors
Added NextGuid(), RndGuid() and EachGuid() transforms
Added OnNthRow() transform
Added ConvertToBigInt() which converts the value to a 64 bit integer
More detailed stack trace for errors
Added a UniquePrefixes profiler
Added RndWords() transform which generates a random Lorum Ipsum paragraph
Added ability for tags to be grouped together
Added enhanced Mask() which allows full or partial masking of text with a given mask character
Added enhanced MaskExcept() to mask all except a given range
Added Repeat/RepeatRnd modifier(s) to Each and Next Transformations to repeat the value the requested number of times
Added MakeKeys and ForEachRowFrom/NextRowFrom to setup keys values from a parent table
Added default value option to conversion transformations
Added the ability to set the seed for randomly generated data to an alternative name instead of the column name with UseSeedName()
Added AllUppercase, AllLowercase and MixedCase profilers
Added Flush() to reports to write any buffered output
Added ability to set RequiredRows for a TestSet
Added RepeatRnd() function which allows Each and Next transforms to be randomly reset
Each functions are now known as ForEach. e.g. EachText is now ForEachText
Added RestartRnd() which restarts a ForEach sequence after a random amount of iterations between the given minValue and maxValue
Added SetBinary(), RndBinary(), NextBinary(), EachBinary() and EachFrom versions of these
Added RowLimit() to Each data items to allow for generation of data for smaller sub sets
Added SetDifferenceFilename() option to comparison options
All transforms can now be contained within a TestDataSet()
All TestDataSet() calls must now have an accompanying EndTestDataSet()
Added GetCardType() to check a card number for a matching card type, returns the found type as a string
Added MatchKeysAlphbetically() method to comparison settings to allow for keys to be compared alphanumerically
Added the ability to enable soundex for similar record checker via similar record tags
Added the ability to ignore words for similar record checker via similar record tags
Added the a sort by method the similar record configuration object
Added BlankCol() to blank selected columns
Added UniquePatternLengthIndependent profiler
Added MakeRndCreditCardCols() to generate credit card data on tagged columns. Additionally, SetValidCardTypes() can be used to select card types to generate.
- 🔀 Changed
Temp data is now written to local app data
By default both MakeRndAddressCols() and MakeRndPersonCols() use predefined seeds. This can be changed with the new UseDefaultSeeds()/UseColSeeds() options
- ☑️ Fixed
Prevent error when uniqueidentifier is table key and also using Rnd transforms
Fixed system buffer version mismatch
Fixed spelling on some Rnd... transforms from Rng...
Version - 1.6.1
- ❇️ New
Added the ability to set a timeout when calling Execute() on a DBQuery
Added NextIntAsc(), NextFloatAsc(), NextDecimalAsc(), NextYearAsc(), NextMonthAsc(), NextDayAsc(), NextHourAsc(), NextMinuteAsc(), NextSecondAsc() and NextMillisecondAsc() which increment a value by a given step
Added the RngRegex transformation to randomly generate values that match the specified regular expression
Added ability to generate synthetic data using OpenTableGenerator(). Additionally, use SetTotalRows() and UseOptimalRows to set the amount generated
Added a new DataType profiler that reports back the type of each column profiled
Added a new Median profiler that reports back an estimated median value when the number of unique values has been exceeded. Actual median is reported below this limit
Added Host.NewDateTimeFormat() and Host.SetDefaultDateTimeFormat() which allow for parsing custom date formats
Added a progress bar when the profiler is writing out html reports
Added a new VaryBy transformation that can be used when obfuscating values
Added OnRndRows() and OnRows() to allow for transformations to be applied on a subset of rows
Added grouped profiling results to the profiling reports
Added IsBlank() and NotBlank() conditional transformations
Added Between() and NotBetween() conditional transformations
Added option to paginate sql and csv files via a parameter on Host.WriteSqlScript() and Host.WriteCsvFile()
Added the ability to edit and add new connections from the connection picker when running a wizard
Added Or() conditional transformation
Added SetBigInt() which sets the value to the given int as Int64
Added ConvertToBigInt() which converts the value to a 64 bit integer
- 🔀 Changed
MoreThan(), Equals(), AtLeast() and other comparisons will convert text values to dates before comparing them
NextIntFrom(), NextDoubleFrom(),NextFloatFrom(), NextTextFrom() and NextDateFrom() have been renamed to NextInt(), NextDouble() etc when using a list of values opposed to a lookup
Null values are now included in the unique values profiler results
Total row count is now shown next to the Unique values on the profiling report
Now when the number of unique values passes 1000(by default) an estimation of the number of unique values is provided for the profiling reports
- ☑️ Fixed
Error message is displayed in reports when invalid column mappings are provided
Version - 1.6.0
- ❇️ New
When updating from 1.5.* to 1.6 iData needs to be uninstalled prior to updating
Added SetWriteFailedRecords() which allows failed records to be written to a separate destination
Added new setting to profiler results SetMaxCharLimit() which prevents the profiling of exceedingly large text values
Added NewLookup() to Host that allows the building of lookup tables from within scripts
Added NextIntFrom(), NextDecimalFrom(), NextDateFrom(), NextFloatFrom() and NextTextFrom() which loop through given values replacing each value in turn
Added RndTextFrom(), RndIntFrom(), RndDecimalFrom(), RndFloatFrom(), RndDateTimeFrom() and RndTextFrom() which select a random value from provided values
Added RndTextPattern() which converts a pattern, e.g. 'A9A 9A9', into a random string with the same pattern e.g A7A 3R8
Added SetGenerationSeedCols() to set which column values are used as the seed for generated data
Added RndIntRange(),RndFloatRange(),RndDoubleRange(),RndDecimalRange() and RndDateRange() used to generate random data
Added the ability to sample datastreams with the SetSampleSize() method
Added the ability to generate random addresses with the MakeRndAddressCols() transformation
Added Each transforms which generate data in combination with other Each transforms. Added for Text, Int, Decimal, Float and Dates. Each transforms can be used with LookupTables using Each...From
- 🔀 Changed
Renamed AutoFixPhoneNumber() transformation to FormatPhoneNumber()
Version - 1.5.1
- ☑️ Fixed
Fixed comparison summary not reporting differences when source rows missing from destination
Fixed row count out by 1 when reading from csv files
Version - 1.5.0
- ❇️ New
Added Profiling and Profiling wizard to discover data patterns and potential data quality issues
Added Check for Similar Records and Similar records Wizard to search for records that could be duplicates
Created data transform engine for ETL as well as comparison See NewDataTransform in docs
Added transformations: ConvertToDecimal(), ConvertToText(), ConvertToDateTime(), ReformatDateTimeText()
Added AutoCapitalise() transformation allowing for words to be automatically capitalised
Added transformations: Trim(), TrimEnd(), TrimStart()
Added the ability to tag columns as the following: TagAsPersonTitleName(), TagAsPersonFirstName(),TagAsPersonMiddleName(),TagAsPersonLastName()
Intelligently clean person/name related data: AutoFixPersonFields(), DistributePersonFullName() that have been tagged as person fields
Added EnableDomainCheck() on TagAsEmail to check if the email domain exists
New transformations: CopyCol() and CopyColValue()
New transformation: ReplaceWildcard()
Added for lookup table: EnableWildcards(), EnableRegex()
Added conditions: IsValid(), NotValid() to report if tagged columns such as emails are valid
Added TagAsPhoneNumber() to allow tagging of phone number columns see AutoFixPhoneNumbers
Added AutoFixPhoneNumbers() to convert phone numbers to standarised formatting
Reports are now timestamped so results do not get lost between runs
Added conditions: MatchesDateTimeText(format) and NotMatchDateTimeText(format)
Added CheckForeignKey() to stream to check if all foreign keys are present
Added CheckUniqueKey() to streams to check all key values are unique
Added TagProfilerSetting() to allow for custom profiler settings
An SQL output can be added for both CheckForeignKeys() and CheckUniqueKeys() via SetSqlResultsFilename()
Common values outputted by the Profiler can be save to CSV via the WriteCommonValuesToCSV() command
Added PadLeft() and PadRight() to add spaces to a value
Added DifferenceFrom condition to allow for approximate string matching
Added ConvertToJulianDateTime() and ConvertToUnixDateTime()
The ConvertToDateTime transformation now works with unix timestamps and julian dates.
Added SetLong(), SetBool(), SetDecimal(), SetGuid(), SetShort(), SetByte(), and SetDateTimeOffset()
Added EnableMultipleSelections()/DisableMultipleSelections() to SetControlToListBox() for use with Wizards
Added an Else statement for use with conditions
The name parameter of MakeCol() can now be omitted, MakeCol() will use the column name provided in preceding IfCol() or IfSrcCol() methods
Added ability to enable and disable warnings with via EnableLogWarnings(), DisableLogWarnings(), EnableAbortOnWarnings(), DisableAbortOnWarnings(), RestoreLogWarning()
Added CoalesceCols() to get the first non null value from a list of columns
Added Substring() transform to get part of a text value
Added JoinCols() transform to combine several colums into one value
Added InsertText() and InsertColText() transform to add text at the begining or middle of a value
Added TagAsDomain() to allow tagging of a web domain column
Added NewDBResultsWriter() to the Host object
Added TrackRowUpdates() and StopTrackRowUpdates()
Added SetDNSServer(), ExportDNSCache() and ImportDNSCache()
Added TagAsCreditCard() and validation to check if credit card numbers are valid
Added EnableSoundex() to lookup tables
Added Obfuscate() transform to replace original characters with random characters
Added Mask() transform to replace original characters with fixed characters
Profiling Results can now be grouped by columns
Lookup tables can now be filtered using FilterOn() and Using()
- 🔀 Changed
Database connections and application settings are now read from %LocalAppData%/iData/Settings
Data comparison engine still works but is deprecated, use NewDataTransform instead
NewInputStream still works but is deprecated, use NewStream instead
Version - 1.4.0
- ❇️ New
Upgrade to V8 jscript engine, for better performance, error handling and latest jscript syntax
Doubled performance running scripts in gui with background thread
Allow debugging scripts from VSCode. See Docs
Allow scripts to be stopped from the UI by clicking the run button a second time
NewDbCompare can use SetSrcData or SetDestData instead of SetSrcTable or SetDestTable. SetSrcData can be passed value from OpenCsvFile. This allows control over csv file separators and column settings
NewDbCompare can use SetSrcQuery or SetDestQuery to allow comparison of joined tables or pre-processing of data using sql before iData transformations
Use a lookup table from a query or csv file to replace values using ReplaceValueWithLookup
The database definition of a Null value can now be accessed through Host.DBNull which has a different value from null
IgnoreCase can be applied to make transformations such as Replace case insensitive and MatchCase can turn it case sensitive again
Added SetInt, SetFloat, and SetDateTime to set a column to a specific value of the given type
Created maths operations for Add, Subtract and Remainder
SetMatchDistance added to allow nearest close match to data in lookup table. See Docs
Added SetDateTimeParts to allow part of a dateTime to be changed.
Added SetANSICodePage to allow encoding to be specified when reading CSV files.
- 🔀 Changed
Interactive scripts must have 'Wizard' as part of their filename, for automatic optimisation
ReplaceRegex ignore case parameter deprecated in favor of IgnoreCase command
ReplaceValueWithLookup deprecated and renamed ReplaceLookup
- ☑️ Fixed
Fixed invalid warning when comparing source query to destination csv file
Fixed crash caused by duplicate database connection names
Report any errors generated by wizards
Prevent ConfirmRequiredVersion flagging identical build numbers as different
Prevent missing dates in CSV files generating invalid SQL dateTimes
Fixed cleanup of database connections after DbCompare
Version - 1.3.6
- ❇️ New
Add testConnection wizard. See getting started
Accept jscript regex expressions in MatchRegex and NotMatchRegex. See Api docs
- 🔀 Changed
Database connections details reloaded on demand. No need to re-start gui to refresh
Improved error message for script errors in comparisons
- ☑️ Fixed
Update progress report when skipping rows during comparison
Version - 1.3.5
- ❇️ New
Recored and report statitics for each column
Accept native jscript regex expressions in MatchRegex and NotMatchRegex. See Api docs
Remove duplicates rows before comparison. See RemoveSrcDuplicates in Api Docs
- 🔀 Changed
Limit comparison reports of mismatched rows to avoid hiding other issues
- ☑️ Fixed
Report attempts to map columns incorrectly in comparisons
Prevent installer overwritting connection strings on re-install
Version - 1.3.4
- ❇️ New
Allow comparison to specify IncludeColumns as well as SkipColumns. See Api docs
Allow columns to be SetNull. See api docs
Version - 1.3.3
- ❇️ New
All In to use lookup tables from CSV or queries. See API docs
Version - 1.3.2
- ❇️ New
Additional conditions In, StartsWith etc. See API docs
Version - 1.3.1
- 🔀 Changed
Improved database connection error messages
Version - 1.3.0
- ❇️ New
Support for splitting and joining columns. e.g. AddColText. See Api docs
Version - 1.2.0
- ❇️ New
Database comparison wizard
Import CSV data for comparison
Version - 1.1.0
- ❇️ New
Database comparison
Read/write to Excel files